A Curious Timetable

☛  thorouGhly weiRd caBoodle of dAtes & caLendars  ☜
❝These aren't hard and fast rules, they do change occasionally according to circumstance. I've never been one to follow exact rules when it comes to matters of faith and worship.

Generally, I use the moon cycles to honor the magick, and the sabbats to honor the gods.

I use the old way of timing the moon. the full moon and the dark moon both last three days. This also gives me some flexibility for ritual, either in the timing towards a night I that I can do it right, or three nights in reinforcing a spell.

I break the sabbats into the Fire Festivals and the Solar Festivals. Some of the ancients used to begin their celebrations on the night before. So I observe the Fire Festivals from sunset to sunset. But the equinoxes and solstices are undeniably solar, so it works better for me to observe those from sunrise to sunrise.❞

calendar symbols

I use UTF-8 & emoji instead of a icon library because these are the symbols I mostly use in my Apple calendar. With a couple of exceptions, they work in both MacOS and iOS.

I don't like the “purple tiles” that Apple seems determined to inflict. There's a zodiac set beyond the usual, and my preferred Mars symbol isn't the normal one. I don't have codes for those yet.
  • ≠ acknowledge but not celebrate (ABNC)
  • ▽ philosophy ▽
  • ☥ Before ☥
  • ✰ pagan ✰
  • ★ not pagan but important ★
  • ⊗ Celtic ⊗
  • ✝︎ Christian ✝  ︎
  • ✞ Catholic ✞
  • ☦︎  Orthodox ☦  ︎
  • ✡︎ Jewish ✡  ︎

  • ♈︎  Aries ♈  ︎
  • ♉︎  Taurus ♉  ︎
  • ♊︎  Gemini ♊  ︎
  • ♋︎  Cancer ♋  ︎
  • ♌︎  Leo ♌  ︎
  • ♍︎  Virgo ♍  ︎
  • ♎︎  Libra ♎  ︎
  • ♏︎  Scorpio ♏  ︎
  • ♐︎  Sagittarius ♐  ︎
  • ♑︎  Capricorn ♑  ︎
  • ♒︎  Aquarius ♒  ︎
  • ♓︎  Pisces ♓  ︎
  • ☉ Sun ☉
  • ☿ Mercury ☿
  • ♀ Venus ♀
  • ♁ Earth ♁
  • ♂ Mars ♂
  • ♃ Jupiter ♃
  • ♄ Saturn ♄
  • ♅ Uranus ♅
  • ⛢ Uranus ‑ astronomy ⛢
  • ♆ Neptune ♆ 
  • ♇ Pluto ♇
  • ☄ comet ☄
  • ☊ ascending node ☊
  • ☋ descending node ☋
  • ☌ conjunction ☌
  • ☍ opposition ☍
  • ❊ meteor ❊
  • ◉ lunar eclipse ◉
  • ✸ solar eclipse ✸
  • ☼ solar event ☼
  • ⁜ quarter day ⁜
  • ※ cross‑quarter day ※
  • ⚛  science coolness ⚛
  • 🌐  internet 🌐
  • 🚀 space 🚀
  • 🔭 astronomy 🔭
  • 🜀 alchemical quintessence 🜀
  • 🜁 alchemical air 🜁
  • 🜂 alchemical fire 🜂
  • 🜃 alchemical earth 🜃
  • 🜄 alchemical water 🜄
  • Moon phases & symbols

    The yin-yang symbol works great for the Moon without specifying a phase.
    Lady in the Court of Shadows - Midnight to midnight. A WebTree three day celebration from midnight to midnight marking the new Moon or dark Moon and honoring the magick.

    Moon in general
    dark Moon
    waxing crescent Moon (first quarter)

    waxing half Moon
    waxing gibbous Moon
    bright Moon
    waning gibbous Moon
    waning half Moon

    waning crescent Moon (last quarter)

    Lady in the Court of Stars - Midnight to midnight. A WebTree three day celebration from midnight to midnight marking the full Moon or bright Moon and honoring the magick.

    Full Moon Names and Their Meanings
    Traditional Full Moon Names

    Pagan Night Out

    A casual gathering on the 13th of each month. Many informal and online goups hold their own.

    Loke E. Coyote's Pagan Night Out lyrics by Trickster.

    History of Pagan's Night Out from Wikipedia.


    The first month in my calendar with the start of the solar year and the beginning of spring. The second month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Gets it's name from the Latin word “februare” meaning “to cleanse.” Traditionally a month of purification (spring cleaning). The only month with twenty-eight days, except during leap years when it has twenty-nine. The only month that might have no bright Moon or dark Moon. Birthstone is amethyst.
    ≠✞⊗ Saint Brighid of Kildare Day 01Feb.


    WebTree fire festival & cross quarter day. Sparkpoint marks the beginning of spring in the Northern hemisphere and the return of the light, staring at sunset the day before the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox and ending at sunset on the day after (traditional three days).
    ※♁⨀ spring begins in the Northern hemisphere cross-quarter
    Around the beginning of February.


    Usually around 02February.  This year's date. Traditional neopagan sabbat. Cross quarter day, Greater Sabbat, High Holiday, fire festival & seasonal gateway. Imbolc marks the beginning of spring in the Northern hemisphere and the midpoint between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. Festival of light and gateway between the seasons. Also called Oimelc, Brigit's Day, Imbolg, Imbolgc brigantia, Lupercus, Disting, and Springtide.
    ≠✝︎✞ Candlemas 02Feb - Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. Also called Purification of the Blessed Virgin (Greek Hypapante), Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. When is Candlemas?
    ≠🇺🇸 Groundhog Day 02Feb - US Holiday
    ≠✝︎✞✡︎🇺🇸 Four Chaplains Day 03Feb - US Holiday. Commemoration of the event in World War II when four Chaplains of Jewish and Christian traditions (Catholic and Protestant) gave their life jackets to others as a troop ship sank in the Atlantic Ocean.
    ≠🇺🇸 Arizona Statehood Day 14Feb1912
    ≠🇺🇸 Presidents Day/Washington’s Birthday Third Monday in February - US Federal Holiday
    ☥ Norton Day
    Andre NortonBefore birthday

    Lived 17Feb1912 to 17Mar2005 (93). Alice Mary Norton aka Andre Alice Norton, Andrew North, Allen Weston. Science fiction author, librarian, bookstore owner & bibliophile.

    ❝My best traveling was done during winter months when the cold has settled in and my feet are bared; the icy earth quickens my step.❞
    Johnny Appleseed • Before passing day
    Lived 26Sep1774 to 18Feb1845 (71). Born John Chapman. American pioneer nurseryman, missionary. My Before of Deeds in October 2008.
    ☉♓︎ Sun in Pisces 19Feb to 20Mar   ♓  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 330º to 360º. Symbol is the Fish (plural) linking contrasting perspectives. Spiritual and material, past and future, life and death, memory and promise, man and woman, parent and child. Water sign, mutable sign, changable.
    ☥▽ ❝I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.❞
    Frederick Douglass • Before passing day
    Lived circa 1818 to February 20, 1895. Freeman, abolitionist, editor, orator, author, statesman and reformer.
    ≠🇺🇸 Grand Canyon National Park created
    26Feb1919. “Although first afforded Federal protection in 1893 as a Forest Reserve and later as a National Monument, Grand Canyon did not achieve National Park status until 1919, three years after the creation of the National Park Service.”
    ⚛ nylon invented - 28Feb1935 by Wallace Carothers. Science coolness.


    The third month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Named after the Roman god of war Mars. Originally the first month of the Roman calendar. One of seven months with thirty-one days. The vernal equinox and the middle of spring in the Northern hemisphere. Birthstone is aquamarine.
    ≠✞✝︎ Shrove Tuesday/Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
    “Mardi Gras is a holiday in some parts of the United States and often serves as a festive occasion featuring large celebrations. It is also known as Shrove Tuesday, as it is the last day before the long fast for Lent in many Christian churches.”
    ≠✞✝︎ Lent “Lent is the annual period of Christian observance that precedes Easter. The dates of Lent are defined by the date of Easter, which is a moveable feast, meaning that it falls on a different date each year.”
    ≠✞✝︎ Ash Wednesday “Many Christian Americans mark Ash Wednesday as the first day of Lent. It follows Shrove Tuesday, which features Mardi Gras celebrations.”
    ≠✞ Saint David's Day 01Mar
    “Many Americans of Welsh origin annually celebrate the life of Wales’ patron saint, St David on March 1. It is also a time to people to remember the Welsh culture and to appreciate their Welsh origins. The Welsh flag is often seen during celebrations on the day, as well as daffodils or leeks pinned to clothing.”
    ❝Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. There's a price to pay if you want to make things better, a price to pay just for leaving things as they are, a price for everything.❞
    Harry Browne passing day
    Lived 17Jun1933 to 01Mar2006 (72). Libertarian, presidential candidate.
    ☥ Ladmo Passing

    Lived 13Jul1928 to 02Mar1994 (65). Television host, best known as Ladmo from The Wallace & Ladmo Show. The show ran for 35 years. Ladmo used his fame to do something for the kids. He started sports teams, volunteered and contributed to the Boys & Girls Clubs, and was always willing to appear for a good cause. For decades he helped run the Arizona MDA Telethon. My Before of Deeds for 2007.

    Sex Worker Rights Day
    03Mar2001 - Anniversary of a festival in Kolkata attended by over 25,000 Indian sex workers despite efforts from prohibitionist groups who tried to prevent it by pressuring the government to revoke their permit.

    ⚛ First Homebrew Computer Club meeting
    05Mar1975 - Steven Wozniak. Science coolness.
    ❝This whole vision of a personal computer just popped into my head. That night I started to sketch out on paper what would later become known as the Apple I.❞
    ≠✰ ❝Magick is not something you do, magick is something you are.❞
    Lived 28March1951 to 07March2014 (57). American occult author and practitioner of ceremonial magic, lecturer, hypnotherapist, Magician, Tantric.
    International Women's Day
    “International Women's Day is a worldwide event with a human rights theme, highlighting the social, economic, cultural and political achievements and contributions made by women. It is held annually on the 8th of March. The day also sees demonstrations and protests aiming to further gender equality. In some areas the day has become an occasion to express appreciation for women in general, similar to Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. In many (mostly eastern) countries the day is a public holiday.”
    ❝Say Goodnight, Gracie.❞
    George Burns • Before passing day
    Lived 20Jan1896 to 09Mar1996 (100). Born Nathan Birnbaum. Comedian, actor, singer, writer, producer.
    ≠★ Arbor Day (New Mexico observance) Second Friday of March, state tree is piñon.
    ≠🇺🇸🕑 Daylight Savings Time (current U.S. law) begins Every year on the second Sunday of March since 2007. Except for Arizona, Hawaii, and the territories of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. The Navajo Reservation DOES change. A monumentally stupid idea that brings no net benefit. Ending.
    🌐 birth of the commercial internet
    “…on March 15, 1985, the first .com domain name—symbolics.com—was registered by the technology company Symbolics, marking the birth of the commercial internet.”
    ≠😀 National Egg Creme Day - 15Mar
    🚀 Goddard's Rocket
    16Mar1926 - Robert H. Goddard launches first liquid-fueled rocket.
    ≠✞⊗ Saint Patrick's Day 17Mar - Patron saint of Ireland. Traditional arrival of Christianity in Ireland.
    ❝There's no night without stars.❞
    Andre Norton • Before passing day
    Lived 17Feb1912 to 17Mar2005 (93). Alice Mary Norton aka Andre Alice Norton, Andrew North, Allen Weston. Science fiction author, librarian, bookstore owner & bibliophile.
    ≠★ Arbor Day (Arkansas observance) Third Monday in March - state tree is pine.


    WebTree solar festival & quarter day marking the vernal equinox and the middle of spring in the Northern hemisphere. A time of transitions, endings, and new beginnings. Greenmark lasts from sunrise on the day before the equinox to sunrise the day after (traditional three days).

    The Winterlord is defeated (but not killed) in ritual battle by his weird the Summerlord, beginning his diminishing and journey to the Gates of Death.
    ☼⨀♁ vernal equinox
    The MIDDLE of spring in the Northern hemisphere, not the beginning.


    Vernal equinox. Traditional neopagan sabbat. Quarter day, Lesser Sabbat, Low Holiday, solar festival, & Earth Day (original). Ostara marks the vernal equinox and the middle of spring in the Northern hemisphere, not the beginning. Planting begins. Also called Lady Day, Alban Eiler, Eostre, and Spring Equinox.
    ★ϴ Earth Day (original)
    Incorrectly called “the first day of spring.”
    Originally 21Mar1970 San Francisco, but it happens on the vernal equinox.
    ☉♈︎ Sun in Aries 21Mar to 19Apr   ♈  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 0º to 30º. Symbol is the Ram representing the face and horns of a ram or the female reproductive organs. Fire sign, cardinal sign.
    ≠✝︎✞ Annunciation 25Mar - The announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary of the incarnation of Christ. It was placed in this day in order to be nine months before Christmas day.
    ☥ Borlaug Day
    Norman BorlaugBefore birthday

    Lived 25Mar1914 to 12Sep2009 (95). Agricultural scientist, humanitarian. Father of the Green Revolution. My Before of Deeds in October 2009.

    ≠✰ Kraig Day

    Lived 28March1951 to 07March2014 (57). American occult author and practitioner of ceremonial magic, lecturer, hypnotherapist, Magician, Tantric.

    ≠✰ ❝Any and all religions are real, the genuine article, to their practitioners. There can never be one religion, prophet, or savior that will satisfy all six billion humans. Each of us must find our ideal way to attune with deity.❞
    Lived 27Jun1956 to 28March1993 (36). Author of several books on Wicca and various other alternative religious subjects. Some critics charge that he is responsible for the "Disneyfication" of Wicca.
    ▽🇺🇸 ❝A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.❞
    Lived 14Oct1890 to 28Mar1969.


    The fourth month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Probably named for Latin words ‘aprilis’ and ‘aperire,’ meaning to open or blossom. Another theory says the month name derives from the Greek goddess Aphrodite. One of four months with thirty days. The cruellest month according to T.S. Eliot. In my personal calendar, just before or marking the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere. Birthstone is diamond.
    ≠✡︎ Passover/Pesach
    This years date.
    Passover (in Hebrew, Pesach) commemorates the exodus of the Jews from slavery in Egypt. The holiday originated in the Torah, where the word pesach refers to the ancient Passover sacrifice (known as the Paschal Lamb); it is also said to refer to the idea that God “passed over” (pasach) the houses of the Jews during the 10th plague on the Egyptians, the slaying of the first born. The holiday is ultimately a celebration of freedom, and the story of the exodus from Egypt is a powerful metaphor that is appreciated not only by Jews, but by people of other faiths as well.”
    All Fools' Day/April Fools - 01Apr
    ☥▽ ❝If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.❞
    Isaac Asimov • Before passing day
    Lived 02Jan1920 to 06Apr1992 (72). Author, scientist, humanist. My Before of Thought for October 2008.
    ≠☦︎Lazarus Saturday Orthodox
    “Lazarus Saturday in the Eastern Orthodox Church is the day before Palm Sunday to which it is liturgically linked. It celebrates the raising of Lazarus of Bethany, the narrative of which is found in the Gospel of John.”
    ➜🇺🇸😡 17th Amendment
    08Apr1913 - Popular election of Senators - see also Four amendments

    ≠✝︎✞ Holy Week
    “Holy Week in Christianity is the week just before Easter. In the West, it is also the last week of Lent, and includes Palm Sunday, Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.”
    ≠✝︎✞ Palm Sunday
    “Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in each of the four canonical Gospels.”
    🚀 1st man in space
    12Apr1961 - Yuri Gagarin
    ☥▽ Jefferson Day

    Lived 13Apr1743 to 04Jul1826. Author of the Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, third president of the United States, and founder of the University of Virginia.

    ≠✝︎✞ Holy Wednesday
    “In Christianity, Holy Wednesday, also called Spy Wednesday, or Good Wednesday, and Holy and Great Wednesday, is the Wednesday of Holy Week, the week before Easter.”
    ≠✝︎✞ Maundy Thursday
    “Maundy Thursday is the Christian holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Maundy and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles as described in the Canonical gospels. It is the fifth day of Holy Week, and is preceded by Holy Wednesday and followed by Good Friday.”
    ≠✝︎✞ Good Friday
    “Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday, or Easter Friday, though the last term properly refers to the Friday in Easter week.”
    ≠✝︎✞ Black Saturday/Holy Saturday (not Easter Saturday)
    “Holy Saturday, the Saturday of Holy Week, also known as Holy and Great Saturday, the Great Sabbath, Black Saturday, Joyous Saturday, or Easter Even, and called "Joyous Saturday" or "the Saturday of Light" among Coptic Christians, is the day after Good Friday.”
    ≠✝︎✞ Easter
    This year’s date.
    “Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial after his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus, preceded by Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.”
    ➜😡🇺🇸 income tax day
    15Apr - destroying freedom since 1913. See also Four amendments
    ❝I decided not to take a position on the war but to try to do the right humanitarian thing. No one can heal the wounds that have been inflicted; you just have to recognize that people have been harmed.❞
    Marla Ruzicka passing day
    Lived 31Dec1976 to 16Apr2005 (28). Believed that combatant governments had a legal and moral responsibility to compensate the families of civilians killed or injured in military conflicts.
    ☥✰ Adler Day
    Margot AdlerBefore birthday
    Lived 16Apr1946 to 28July2014 (68). American author, journalist, lecturer, Wiccan priestess and radio journalist.
    ☥▽ ❝If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.❞
    Benjamin FranklinBefore passing day
    Lived 17Jan1706 to 17Apr1790 (84). Polymath, printer, journalist, publisher, author, philanthropist, abolitionist, public servant, scientist, librarian, diplomat, and inventor.
    ➜🇺🇸😡 Waco incident - 76 people killed
    19Apr1993 Waco, Texas
    ☞🇺🇸 Patriot's Day
    19Apr1775 - American Revolutionary War begins with an American victory in Concord during the battles of Lexington and Concord.
    Natale di Roma, Dies Romana, Romaia
    Legendary founding of Rome on 21Apr in 753 B.C. The day is certain, the year is not.
    ☉♉︎ Sun in Taurus 20Apr to 20May   ♉  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 30º to 60º. Symbol is the Bull representing the face and horns of a bull. Earth sign, fixed sign, deepest.
    ≠★ Arbor Day (Colorado observance) Third Friday in April - state tree is blue spruce.
    ☥▽ ❝Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.❞
    Mark Twain • Before passing day
    Lived 30Nov1835 to 21Apr1910 (74). Born Samuel Clemens. Author, humorist, satirist, philosopher. Father of the American novel.
    ≠★ϴ Earth Day - customary 22Apr1970.
    The “Lenin's 100th Birthday” thing was probably overblown. I think that people make more about it than they should. Gaylord Nelson was still a latecomer to the movement.
    See also Earth Day (original).
    ≠✝︎ St. George's Day 23Apr - Church of England. Traditionally accepted date of Saint George's death in AD 303.
    ≠✰ Pentacle Quest
    23Apr2007 - US Department of Veterans Affairs finally adds the Pentacle to its list of emblems of belief that can be added to memorial markers it issues for graves of deceased veterans.
    I think that if someone has served honorably, they can have anything they choose on their gravestone, officially approved or not.
    Up to and including Mickey Mouse.
    ★ Arbor Day (Arizona observance) Last Friday in April - state tree is palo verde. The same as National Arbor Day. I celebrate mine about a month early along with the original Earth Day during the vernal equinox.
    ≠★🇺🇸 National Arbor Day
    Last Friday in April - US Holiday.
    ≠★ Arbor Day (Nevada observance) Last Friday in April - state trees are single leaf pinon and bristlecone pine.
    ≠★ Arbor Day (Utah observance) Last Friday in April - state tree is aspen.
    🔭 International Astronomy Day
    A twice yearly celebration. “Astronomy Day is an annual event intended to provide a means of interaction between the general public and various astronomy enthusiasts, groups and professionals. The theme of Astronomy Day is "Bringing Astronomy to the People," and on this day astronomy and stargazing clubs and other organizations around the world will plan special events. You can find out about special local events by contacting your local astronomy club or planetarium. You can also find more about Astronomy Day by checking the Web site for the Astronomical League.”
    ≠✰ pagan festival season
    Beltaine to Mabon
    ≠★ Walpurgis Night
    30Apr - “Walpurgis Night is the English translation of Walpurgisnacht, the German name for the night of 30 April, so called because it is the eve of the feast day of Saint Walpurga, an 8th-century abbess in Germany. In German folklore Walpurgisnacht is believed to be the night of a witches' meeting on the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, a range of wooded hills in central Germany between the rivers Weser and Elbe. The first known written occurrence of the English translation 'Walpurgis Night' is from the 19th century. Local variants of Walpurgis Night are observed across Europe in the Netherlands, Germany, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and Estonia. In the United States, Walpurgisnacht is one of the major holidays celebrated within LaVeyan Satanism and is the anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan.”
    Hair of the Bear
    End of April - my biannual haircut
    ≠🕑 Daylight Savings Time begins (old) Last Sunday in April (1967 to 2006). Current version.


    The fifth month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Probably named after a lesser known Roman goddess Maia, this might have been a title derived from the Latin maius associated with growth and the spring. Ovid thought the month was for maiores (elders). Some say the month is named for the Greek goddess (spirit?) of midwifery Maia. One of seven months with thirty-one days. In my personal calendar, the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere. Birthstone is emerald.


    WebTree fire festival & cross quarter day. Marks the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere. Around the first of May. Lasts from sunset on the day before the midpoint between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice to sunset on the day after (traditional three days). The Winterlord throws open the Gates of Death and enters the Underworld.
    Related - Beltaine, Mayday, Walburga, Galan Mai, and Shenn da Boaldyn.
    May Day 01May - summer begins in the Northern hemisphere.
    ※♁⨀ summer begins in the Northern hemisphere cross-quarter


    Usually around the first of May. This year's date. Traditional neopagan sabbat. Cross quarter day, Greater Sabbat, High Holiday, fire festival & seasonal gateway. Beltaine marks the midpoint between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice and the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere. Major fertility fest, source of greenwood weddings. Celebrating the conjoining of the goddess and the god in the sacred marriage and creation. Light weird to Samhain.
    Also called Beltane, Mayday, Walburga, Galan Mai, and Shenn da Boaldyn.
    Additional resources - A Celebration of May Day Beltane, Greenwood Beltaine, Summergate, Twenty-seven, Juicy sexy messy, Moment in the morning.
    ≠🇲🇽 Cinco de Mayo
    05May - NOT Mexican Independence Day.
    “Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday celebrated annually on May 5. Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for 'Fifth of May' and commemorates the unlikely victory of the Mexican Army over superior French forces in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Even though it is only a public holiday in the state of Puebla, where the battle took place, and not in the rest of the country, schools are closed nationwide on this day.”
    🚀🇺🇸 Freedom 7
    05May1961 - Alan Shepard, 1st American in space.
    ☥▽ ❝I never learned from a man who agreed with me.❞
    Robert Heinlein • Before passing day
    Lived 07Jul1907 to 08May1988 (80). Author, libertarian, and philosopher.
    Pagan Vigil launched 09May2005
    ❝You saw a hurting you could help and did something about it. Without stopping to count the cost. That's what love does.❞
    Zenna HendersonBefore passing day
    Lived 01Nov1917 to 11May1983 (65). Elementary school teacher, fantasy/SF author, inspiration for my Befores practice.
    ≠🇺🇸 Mother's Day
    Second Sunday in May - US Holiday. “Mother’s Day is a holiday honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms throughout the world. The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. Jarvis would later denounce the holiday’s commercialization and spent the latter part of her life trying to remove it from the calendar. While dates and celebrations vary, Mother’s Day most commonly falls on the second Sunday in May and traditionally involves presenting mothers with flowers, cards and other gifts.”
    ≠🇺🇸 Armed Forces Day Third Saturday in May - US Holiday.
    ☥✰ Anderson Day
    Victor AndersonBefore birthday
    Lived 21May1917 to 20Sep2001 (83). Witch, teacher, Feri tradition, poet.
    ≠✞✝︎ Ascension Day - “The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (colloquially known as Ascension Thursday or Ascension Day) is one of the great solemnities in the Christian liturgical calendar, and commemorates the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven. Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day of Easter. However, some Roman Catholic provinces have moved the observance to the following Sunday. The feast is one of the ecumenical feasts (i.e., universally celebrated), ranking with the feasts of the Passion, of Easter, and Pentecost.”
    ≠✰ Morning Glory Day
    Lived 27May1948 to 13May2014 (66). Neopagan community leader, author, lecturer, and priestess of the Church of All Worlds. An advocate of polyamory, she is credited with coining the word.
    ☉♊︎ Sun in Gemini 21May to 20Jun   ♊  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 60º to 90º. Symbol is the Twins representing companions or duality unified in purpose. Air sign, mutable sign.
    ≠🇺🇸 Memorial Day (Decoration Day) Last Monday of May - US Federal Holiday (post Civil War).
    ❝I will offer a choice, not an echo.❞
    Barry Goldwater passing day
    Lived 01Jan1909 to 29May1998 (89 years). U.S. Senator, politician, statesman, conservative, libertarian.


    The sixth month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Probably named for the Roman goddess of marriage Juno. Ovid thought the month was for iuniores (youth).One of four months with thirty days. In my personal calendar, the middle of summer and summer solstice. Birthstone is alexandrite.
    Whores' Day
    02Jun1975 - Anniversary of the protest. Over 100 French prostitutes occupied the Church of St. Nizier in Lyon
    ≠✞✝︎ Pentecost/Whit Sunday
    “Pentecost is the annual Christian festival commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his ascension from earth to heaven on Ascension Day. It always falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter. Pentecost means "fiftieth day", as it is celebrated on Pentecost Sunday, the 50th day of the Easter season (including Easter Sunday, the first day, in the counting). Some Christian denominations consider it to be the birthday of the Christian church and celebrate it as such. It can fall as early as May 10th and as late as June 13th.”
    ≠✞✝︎ Pentecost Monday/Whit Monday “Pentecost Monday is the day following Pentecost, the annual Christian festival held on Pentecost Sunday commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his ascension from earth to heaven on Ascension Day.”
    ≠✰ Sanders Day
    Alex Sanders birthday
    Lived 06Jun1926 to 30Apr1988 (58). Self-proclaimed "King of Witches," founder of the Alexanderian tradition of witchcraft. Plagiarist and publicity addict.
    ≠✞✝︎☦︎ Trinity Sunday
    “Trinity Sunday is a Christian feast dedicated to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the essence of God expressing itself in three persons: God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God. It is one of the few Christian feasts that celebrates a doctrine, not an event. In Western Christianity Trinity Sunday always falls on the first Sunday after Pentecost. In Eastern Christianity Pentecost Sunday itself is Trinity Sunday.”
    ≠✰ Gardner Day
    Lived 13Jun1884 to 12Feb1964 (79). Occultist, witch, founder of Wicca.
    ≠🇺🇸 Flag Day 14Jun1885 - “In the United States, National Flag Day is observed annually on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the US flag on June 14, 1777. It is an observance, not a public holiday.”
    ☥▽ ❝Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do
    Peter McWilliamsBefore passing day
    Lived 05Aug1949 to 14Jun2000 (50). Libertarian, drug war martyr and author of Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do. Died choking on his own vomit because he could not legally get medical marijuana.
    ☥▽ Browne Day
    Harry BrowneBefore birthday
    Lived 17Jun1933 to 01Mar2006 (72). Libertarian, presidential candidate.
    ≠✞ Corpus Christi
    “Corpus Christi is a Christian feast celebrated every year on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday in commemoration of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and his twelve apostles before his crucifixion on Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday). Due to the somber atmosphere of Holy Week, Holy Thursday, leading to Good Friday, does not allow for a splendid unfolding of festivities.”
    ≠🇺🇸 Father’s Day
    Third Sunday of June - US Holiday. “Father's Day in the United States is on the third Sunday of June. It celebrates the contribution that fathers and father figures make for their children's lives. Its origins may lie in a memorial service held for a large group of men, many of them fathers, who were killed in a mining accident in Monongah, West Virginia in 1907.”
    ≠🇺🇸 Juneteenth - Emancipation Day 19Jun1865 - US Holidays. “Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.”


    WebTree solar festival & quarter day marking the summer solstice and the middle of summer in the Northern hemisphere. A time of blood, contrasts and promises that celebrates the height of summer's power and the Wheel turning towards autumn and eventually winter. Suncrest lasts from sunrise on the day before the solstice to sunrise the day after (traditional three days).

    The Daylord reaches his greatest strength and pays with the Wound while his weird the Nightlord is reborn.
    ☼⨀♁ summer solstice
    The MIDDLE of summer in the Northern hemisphere, not the beginning.
    AZ monsoon season
    According to the National Weather service, June 15th to September 30th. My Not Official® but practical version runs from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox. .


    Summer solstice. Traditional neopagan sabbat. Quarter day, Lesser Sabbat, Low Holiday, & solar festival. The longest day and the sun's greatest strength. Litha marks the summer solstice and the middle of summer in the Northern hemisphere. Also called Midsummer, Summer Solstice, and Saint John's Eve.
    ☉♋︎ Sun in Cancer 21Jun to 22Jul   ♋  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 90º to 120º. Symbol is the Crab representing the journey between the material and spiritual realms. Water sign, cardinal sign, leads & initiates.
    ≠✰ Farrar Day

    Lived 28Jun1916 to 07Feb2000 (83). Witch, author, novelist. May have encouraged the sexual initiation of minor girls.

    💻 Steve Wozniak turns on the very first personal home computer 29Jun1975
    “Steve Wozniak is credited as single-handedly creating both the Apple I and Apple II computers. On this day in 1975, he tested the first working prototype. What makes this significant is that this was the first time that a character displayed on a TV screen was generated by a home computer. In 1976, he and Steve Jobs formed Apple Computer and the Apple I sold for $666.66. It is said that Wozniak had no idea about the relation between the number and the mark of the beast, and said 'I came up with [it] because I like repeating digits.'”

    Great Calendar Shift

    In September of 1752, Great Britain changed from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar. These eleven “missing days” meant that the official calendar went from September 2 to September 14. Many living at the time adjusted their birthdates to allow for the difference. Some holidays and festivals were also adjusted.

    American Weekend Holidays

    Starting in the late 20th Century, Americans are notorious for tacking official holidays onto weekends. Rather than the actual anniversary, the modern version is moved to a Monday or Friday. The best known recent example is the difference between MLK Day (actual) and MLK Day (official).

    Officlally these holidays last from Saturday to Monday. Actually American weekend holidays presumably start at Friday noon and end Tuesday at 6 AM. The rest of Tuesday is spent complaining about the excesses of the weekend.

    Beyond Common Era

    Arguably history has moved into a new age from the Common Era. I see two possibilities.

    One is the Electronics Age beginning with the creation of the first triode. EA seems a little awkward, but that would make 2000 CE 93 EA.

    My favorite choice is the Space Age marked by the launch of Sputnik in 1957. That would make 2000 CE 43 SA.

    Days of the Week

    Sun's day - traditional first day of the calendar week, traditional Christian Sabbath
    • Old English sunnandæg “day of the sun”
    • Middle English sone(n)day or sun(nen)day
    • Germanic sunnon-dagaz “day of the sun”
    • Latin dies solis “day of the sun”
    • Ancient Greek hemera heli(o)u, “day of the sun”
    • Irish An Domhnach, Dé Domhnaigh
    • Scottish Gaelic Di-Dòmhnaich
    • Welsh dydd Sul
    • Cornish Dy' Sul
    • Breton Disul
    • Manx Jedoonee
    Moon's day - second day of the calendar week, traditional first day of the work week
    • Old English mon(an)dæg “day of the moon”
    • Middle English monday or mone(n)day
    • Latin dies lunae “day of the moon”
    • Ancient Greek hemera selenes “day of the moon”
    • Irish An Luan, Dé Luain
    • Scottish Gaelic Di-Luain, Diluain
    • Welsh dydd Llun
    • Cornish Dy' Lun
    • Breton Dilun
    • Manx Jelune
    Tiu's day - third day of the calendar week, second day of the work week
    • Old English tiwesdægTiw's (Tiu's) day”
    • Middle English tiwesday or tewesday
    • Latin dies Martis “day of Mars
    • Ancient Greek hemera Areos “day of Ares
    • Irish An Mháirt, Dé Máirt
    • Scottish Gaelic Di-Màirt, Dimàirt
    • Welsh dydd Mawrth
    • Cornish Dy' Meurth
    • Breton Dimeurzh
    • Manx Jemayrt
    Woden's day - middle of the week - “hump day”
    • Old English wodnesdæg “Woden's day”
    • Middle English wodnesday, wednesday, or wednesdai
    • Latin dies Mercurii “day of Mercury
    • Ancient Greek hemera Hermu “day of Hermes
    • Irish An Chéadaoin, Dé Céadaoin
    • Scottish Gaelic Di-Ciadain, Diciadain
    • Welsh dydd Mercher
    • Cornish Dy' Mergher
    • Breton Dimerc’her
    • Manx Jecrean
    Thor's day
    • Old English thunresdæg “thunder's day”
    • Old Norse thorsdagr “Thor's day”
    • Middle English thur(e)sday
    • Latin dies Jovis “day of Jupiter
    • Ancient Greek hemera Dios “day of Zeus”.
    • Irish An Déardaoin, Déardaoin
    • Scottish Gaelic Di-Ardaoin, Diardaoin
    • Welsh dydd Iau
    • Cornish Dy' Yow
    • Breton Diriaou
    • Manx Jerdein
    Freya's day - last day of the work week
    • Old English frigedæg “Freya's day” composed of Frige (genetive singular of Freo) + “day” (most likely) or composed of FrigFrigg” + dæg “day” (least likely)
    • Middle English fridai
    • Germanic frije-dagaz “Freya's (or Frigg's) day”
    • Latin dies VenerisVenus's day”
    • Ancient Greek hemera Aphrodites “day of Aphrodite
    • Irish An Aoine, Dé hAoine
    • Scottish Gaelic Di-hAoine, Dihaoine
    • Welsh dydd Gwener
    • Cornish Dy' Gwener
    • Breton Digwener
    • Manx Jeheiney
    Saturn's day - last day of the calendar week, traditional Jewish Sabbath
    • Old English sæter(nes)dæg “Saturn's day”
    • Middle English saterday
    • Latin dies Saturni “day of Saturn”
    • Ancient Greek hemera Khronu “day of Cronus
    • Irish An Satharn, Dé Sathairn
    • Scottish Gaelic Di-Sàthairne, Disathairne
    • Welsh dydd Sadwrn
    • Cornish Dy' Sadorn
    • Breton Disadorn
    • Manx Jesarn


    The seventh month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Named after Julius Cæser, who was born in this month. One of seven months with thirty-one days. The end of summer. Birthstone is ruby.
    ☞🇺🇸 American Independence Day 04Jul1776 - US Federal Holiday
    ☥▽🇺🇸 ❝We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal…❞
    Thomas JeffersonBefore passing day
    Lived 13April1743 to 04July1826 (83). Author of the Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, third president of the United States, and founder of the University of Virginia.
    ❝Let us dare to read, think, speak and write.❞
    John Adams passing day
    Lived 30Oct1735 to 04Jul1826 (91). 2nd President of the United States, historian, diplomat, political theorist. Lawyer for the British soldiers accused in the Boston Massacre.
    ☥▽ Heinlein Day
    Robert Heinlein • Before birthday

    Lived 07Jul1907 to 08May1988 (80). Author, libertarian.

    ☥ Ladmo Day

    Lived 13Jul1928 to 02Mar1994 (65). Television host, best known as Ladmo from The Wallace & Ladmo Show. The show ran for 35 years. Ladmo used his fame to do something for the kids. He started sports teams, volunteered and contributed to the Boys & Girls Clubs, and was always willing to appear for a good cause. For decades he helped run the Arizona MDA Telethon. My Before of Deeds for 2007.

    ☥▽ ❝Obey the principles without being bound by them.❞
    Bruce Lee • Before passing day
    Lived 27Nov1940 to 20July1973 (32). Cultural icon. filmmaker, martial arts instructor, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do. Notable Chinese American when there were hardly any positive Asians in Western popular culture. The most influential martial artist of modern times.
    🚀 ❝The Eagle has landed.❞
    Apollo 11 - 20Jul1969. First manned Moon landing.
    ☉♌︎ Sun in Leo 23Jul to 22Aug   ♌  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 120º to 150º. Symbol is the Lion representing a lion’s head and mane or a cosmic servant or a spirit and tail. Fire sign, fixed sign.
    ☥ Bill Thompson passing
    Bill ThompsonBefore birthday

    Lived 18Dec1931 to 23Jul2014 (83). Television writer and host, best known as Wallace from The Wallace & Ladmo Show. The show ran for 35 years. My Before of Deeds for 2015.

    ≠🇺🇸 Pioneer Day 24Jul1847
    “Pioneer Day is a state holiday in Utah in the United States. It is celebrated on July 24 each year to commemorate the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers into Utah’s Salt Lake Valley in 1847. This day celebrates the bravery of the original settlers and their strength of character and physical endurance.”
    ☥✰ ❝The spiritual world is not unlike the natural world: only diversity will save it.❞
    Margot AdlerBefore passing day
    Lived 16Apr1946 to 28July2014 (68). American author, journalist, lecturer, Wiccan priestess and radio journalist.


    The eighth month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Named after Cæser Augustus. One of seven months with thirty-one days. The first of the Three Harvests and the beginning of autumn. Birthstone is peridot.


    WebTree fire festival & cross quarter day. Harvestpoint marks the beginning of fall in the Northern hemisphere and the return of the dark, staring at sunset the day before the midpoint between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox and ending at sunset on the day after (traditional three days).
    ※♁⨀ autumn begins in the Northern hemisphere cross-quarter
    Around the beginning of August.


    Usually between 31Jul and 07August. This year's date. Traditional neopagan sabbat. Cross quarter day, Greater Sabbat, High Holiday, fire festival & seasonal gateway. Lammas marks the midpoint between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox and the beginning of fall in the Northern hemisphere. The “grain harvest” is the first of the trilogy of harvest festivals. “Tailltean marriages” of a year and a day often began. Craft festivals and prosperity magick occurred. The Christian First Fruits celebration was observed by placing bread baked from first harvest on the altar. Also called Lughnasadh, Cornucopia, Lammastide, Lughomass, Thingtide, First Fruits, First Harvest Grain Harvest.
    ☥▽ McWilliams Day

    Lived 05Aug1949 to 14Jun2000 (50). Libertarian, drug war martyr and author of Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do

    ☥✰ ❝Sincerity does not equal competence.❞
    Isaac BonewitsBefore passing day
    Phillip Emmons Isaac (P.E.I.) Bonewits. Lived 01Oct1949 to 12Aug2010 (61). American Druid, author, public speaker, liturgist, singer and songwriter.
    ≠✰ Ides of Diana 13th or 15th of August.
    “The Nemoralia, also known as the Feast of Torches was held on one of two dates, either the full moon of August or the ides of August (the 13th then later the 15th). Worshippers performed a special ritual of washing and decorating their hair with flowers, then gathered at Lake Nemi by torch or candlelight. Dogs were also honored and adorned with flowers. Diana’s followers wrote their prayers and requests on ribbons, which were then tied to trees. Although she was the goddess of the hunt, during the Nemoralia hunting or the killing of any beast was forbidden. Fruits and tiny effigies were offered as sacrifices. Bread and clay, formed in the shape of body parts that needed healing, were offered to the goddess. Women and slaves were freed of their duties on this day to enjoy the festival. Masters also participated but only on equal terms with the other participants, because the day was for Diana, not for them.”
    ≠✞ Assumption Day around 15Aug - A feast commemorating the Virgin Mary being taken up into heaven.
    ☉♍︎ Sun in Virgo 23Aug to 22Sep   ♍  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 150º to 180º. Symbol is the Maiden or Virgin representing opening one’s self up to experience. Earth sign, mutable sign, changability.
    ≠🔷 Burning Man Last Monday in August to the first Monday in September - Black Rock City, Nevada.
    “Burning Man is a network of people inspired by the values reflected in the Ten Principles and united in the pursuit of a more creative and connected existence in the world. Throughout the year we work to build Black Rock City, home of the largest annual Burning Man gathering, and nurture the distinctive culture emerging from that experience. The hub of this global network is the 501(c)(3) non-profit Burning Man Project, headquartered in San Francisco, California.”


    The ninth month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. The name comes from the Latin septem, it was originally the seventh month of the year. One of four months with thirty days. The second of the Three Harvests and the middle of autumn. Birthstone is sapphire.
    ☥✰ ❝Evolution, like charity, begins at home.❞
    Doreen ValienteBefore passing day
    Lived 04Jan1922 to 01Sep1999 (77). Witch, ritualist, author.
    ≠✰ World Goddess Day First Sunday of September
    “THE WORLD GODDESS DAY PROJECT emerged to unite the Mother Goddess' worshipers world wide through their many expressions and manifestations. The purpose of the Project is grant to the Goddess one day of visibility to share Her many myths, stories and worship diversity, so everyone will remember or will know that the first religion of humanity was the Worship of the Goddess.”
    ≠🇺🇸 U.S. Labor Day First Monday in September - US Federal Holiday.
    “Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”
    Some conservatives consider Labor Day to have communist origins.
    NeoWayland NetWork &
    Technopagan Yearnings launched
    My first real site and the first time I started commenting on my own site and not on sites provided from others. Up until then, I had only commented for as a pagan for extented periods on the old Exicte Clubs. Originally one site on AOL, very much a “look at what I know.” It combined general info, paganism, and politics. Technopagan Yearnings became a pagan blog with it’s own domain in May 2005.
    ➜🇺🇸 9-11 U.S. attacked by terrorists 11Sep2001
    World Trade Center destroyed, Pentagon damaged.
    ➜🇺🇸 Benghazi mission attacked 11Sep2012
    American diplomatic mission at Benghazi, Libya, was attacked on September 11, 2012 by a heavily armed group.
    ❝Food is the moral right of all who are born into this world.❞ - Green Revolution Day
    Norman Borlaug • Before passing day
    Lived 25Mar1914 to 12Sep2009 (95). Agricultural scientist, humanitarian. Father of the Green Revolution. My Before of Deeds in October 2009.
    ⚛ first working integrated circuit 12Sep1958 - Jack Kilby. Science coolness.
    ☞🇺🇸 Constitution Day - Citizenship Day 17Sep1787 - US Holiday.
    Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787, recognizing all who, are born in the U.S. or by naturalization, have become citizens.
    ☥✰ ❝White magic is poetry and black magic is anything that works.❞
    Victor AndersonBefore passing day
    Lived 21May1917 to 20Sep2001 (83). Witch, teacher, Feri tradition, poet
    Paratus - Third Friday of September. “Paratus (from the Latin ‘prepared’) is a one-day ‘holiday’ that basically exists to give an excuse for like-minded folks to exchange appropriate gifts, get together in a social setting, and, perhaps, share some ideas on the subject. It is intended to be a secular holiday but, reflecting the individualistic nature of it’s practitioners, can incorporate a religious element if the practitioner wants. However, the ‘true’ Paratus is strictly secular, non-denominational, genderless, mostly apolitical, and thus available to every demographic that wants to participate.”


    WebTree solar festival & quarter day marking the autumnal equinox and the middle of fall in the Northern hemisphere. A time of sacrifice and renewal. Redmark lasts from sunrise on the day before the equinox to sunrise the day after (traditional three days).

    The Summerlord is defeated (but not killed) in ritual battle by his weird the Winterlord, beginning his diminishing and journey to the Gates of Death.
    ☼⨀♁ autumnal equinox
    The MIDDLE of fall in the Northern hemisphere, not the beginning.


    Autumnal equinox. Traditional neopagan sabbat. Quarter day, Lesser Sabbat, Low Holiday & solar festival. Mabon marks the autumnal equinox and the middle of fall in the Northern hemisphere, not the beginning. It's the second of three harvest festivals, the final harvest of fruits and vegetables reflecting thanksgiving for the fruits of the Earth and sharing the bounty. Also called Harvest Home, the Feast of the Ingathering, Meán Fómhair or Alban Elfed.
    ☉♎︎ Sun in Libra 23Sep to 22Oct   ♎  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 180º to 210º. Symbol is the Scales representing Balance. Air sign, cardinal sign.
    ❝A union of government and religion tends to destroy government and degrade religion.❞
    Hugo Black passing day
    Lived 27Feb1886 to 25Sep1971 (85). American politician and jurist, Supreme Court Associate Justice.
    ☥ Appleseed Day
    John Chapman • Before birthday

    Lived 26Sep1774 to 18Feb1845 (70). American pioneer nurseryman, missionary. My Before of Deeds in October 2008

    ⚛ first operational semiconductor IC
    27Sep1960 - Science coolness.


    The tenth month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. The name comes from the Latin octo, it was originally the eighth month of the year. One of seven months with thirty-one days. The third of the Three Harvests and the end of autumn. Birthstone is opal.
    ≠✝︎ Pastor Appreciation Month October
    ☥✰ Bonewits Day

    Lived 01Oct1949 to 12Aug2010 (61). American Druid, author, public speaker, liturgist, singer and songwriter.

    ≠✝︎ World Communion Sunday
    First Sunday in October
    Protestant Christian observation of the unity of Christians in celebration of the last supper of Jesus with the disciples.
    02Oct - Catholic Christian
    “Perhaps no aspect of Catholic piety is as comforting to parents as the belief that an angel protects their little ones from dangers real and imagined. Yet guardian angels are not only for children. Their role is to represent individuals before God, to watch over them always, to aid their prayer, and to present their souls to God at death.”
    🚀 Space Age begins 04Oct1957 - Sputnik
    ♁🌝 Pangere
    I accept myself as Pagan on the last day of the full Moon in October 1987 (07Oct1987). I used to celebrate this annually, but it seems to work better on the last day of October's bright Moon.
    ≠🇺🇸 Columbus Day Second Monday of October - US Federal Holiday.
    ≠🇨🇦 Indigenous Peoples' Day Second Monday of October - Originally Canadian and in response to the American Columbus Day. Indigenous Peoples' Day is a holiday that celebrates the history and contributions of the indigenous peoples of North America.
    ❝On the road of experience, join in the living day; if there's an answer, it's just that it is that way❞
    John Denver • Before passing day
    Henry John Deutschendorf Jr. lived 31Dec1943 to 12Oct1997 (53). American country music/folk singer-songwriter and folk rock musician, activist. My Before of Spirit in October 2008.
    ≠✝︎❓ Creation 23Oct
    “According to Bishop James Ussher (1581-1656), God created the universe on October 23, 4004 BC. That would make the universe 6000 years old in 1997 AD. James Ussher was an Irish Archbishop whose chronology of Biblical history was widely accepted throughout Christianity.”
    ☉♏︎ Sun in Scorpio 23Oct to 21Nov   ♏  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 210º to 240º. Symbol is the Scorpion representing the manifestation of power. Water sign, fixed sign, focus.
    ☥▽ Think & Grow Rich Day
    Napoleon HillBefore birthday
    Lived 26Oct1883 to 08Nov1970 (86). Author, motivational speaker
    ≠🇺🇸 Navy Day 27Oct1922 - US Holiday. Last officially observed on Oct. 27, 1949.
    🌐 ARPANET login and crash 29Oct1969
    Charles Herzfeld - “The ARPANET was not started to create a Command and Control System that would survive a nuclear attack, as many now claim. To build such a system was, clearly, a major military need, but it was not ARPA's mission to do this; in fact, we would have been severely criticized had we tried. Rather, the ARPANET came out of our frustration that there were only a limited number of large, powerful research computers in the country, and that many research investigators, who should have access to them, were geographically separated from them.”
    Mischief Night 30Oct - informal holiday.
    ≠🕑 Daylight saving time ends (old) - 1967 to 2006 Last Sunday of October
    ≠✝︎ Reformation Day Every year on the last Monday in October (1517) - Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg Germany, thereby beginning the Protestant Reformation. Lutherans observe this day on the preceding of following Sunday.
    ≠🇲🇽 Day of the Dead
    31Oct to 02Nov - “Day of the Dead ("Día de los Muertos") is a multi-day festival celebrated every year from October 31 to November 2 in commemoration of friends and family members who have died.”
    ≠🎃 Halloween
    31Oct - US Holiday. “Halloween is a celebration in remembrance of the dead that occurs annually on the evening of October 31. The name Halloween is a contraction of All Hallows' Even(ing), meaning All Saints' Evening (saints have historically been known as hallows), as it is celebrated on the evening before All Saints' Day (also known as All Hallows' Day). It is a mixture of customs of pagan and Christian origins. Halloween originated from an ancient Celtic seasonal festival to mark the end of the harvest and to remember the dead known as Samhain that is celebrated from sunset on October 31 to sunset on November 1.”


    Traditionally 31Oct but varies in some traditions. This year's date. Traditional neopagan sabbat. Cross quarter day, Greater Sabbat, High Holiday, fire festival & seasonal gateway. Samhain marks the midpoint between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice and the beginning of winter in the Northern hemisphere. Last of three harvest festivals, the “blood harvest” marks the end of harvest season when the herds get culled for winter. Some folklore makes any harvesting or butchering between Samhain and Beltaine unlucky. Traditionally, the Dark weird to Beltaine. Festival of the dead. Celtic tradition holds that it's the end of autumn and the end of old year when the gates swing open for the new year.Also called Summer's End, Oie Houney, All Hallows, November Eve, Feast of the Dead, Feast of Apples, Hallows, Halloween, and Winter Nights.
    Hair of the Bear
    End of October - my biannual haircut


    The eleventh month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. The name comes from the Latin novem, it was originally the ninth month of the year. One of four months with thirty days. The third of the Three Harvests and the beginning of winter. Birthstone is topaz.
    ≠🇺🇸 National American Indian Heritage Month - November
    Perhaps I'm a little cynical, but the idea of the American Federal government recognizing Native American Heritage Month when it is the biggest single player to keep Amerindians "in their place" puts a bad taste in my mouth. The prevailing attitude is that Americans want Native American heritage, as long as there are no live unassimilated Amerindians and everything is safely behind glass in museums. From mineral rights to reservations to health care to education, the "system" and broken treaties keeps natives "in their place" while trapping them in dependency and poverty. Any promises made yesterday will be broken today, and tomorrow isn't a good bet.
    ☥ Befores Day
    Zenna Henderson • Before birthday

    Lived 01Nov1917 to 11May1983 (65). Teacher, fantasy/SF author, inspiration for my Befores practice.

    ≠✞✝︎ All Saints Day - Feast of All Saints 01Nov
    ≠🇲🇽 Day of the Innocents ("Día de los Inocentes") 01Nov - “Day of the Dead ("Día de los Muertos") is a multi-day festival celebrated every year from October 31 to November 2 in commemoration of friends and family members who have died.”
    ≠✞✝︎ All Souls Day 02Nov
    “All Souls' Day is a celebration to remember those who have died (in particular one's relatives). It always falls on November 2 and is preceded by Halloween on October 31 and All Saints' Day on November 1. Together these three days of remembrance of the dead form the triduum (a religious observance lasting three days) of Hallowtide or Allhallowtide.”
    Spruce Goose flight 02Nov1947
    ≠🇬🇧 Guy Fawkes Day 05Nov1605 - UK holiday.
    “Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Day, Bonfire Night and Firework Night, is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in Great Britain.”


    WebTree fire festival & cross quarter day. Around the first of November. Wintergate marks the beginning of winter in the Northern hemisphere staring at sunset the day before the midpoint between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice and ending at sunset on the day after (traditional three days).The Summerlord throws open the Gates of Death and enters the Underworld.
    Related - Samhain, Summer's End, Oie Houney, All Hallows, All Hallows Eve, November Eve, Feast of the Dead, Feast of Apples, Hallows, Halloween, and Winter Nights,
    Additional resources - Samhain All Hallows Eve/Halloween, Not Samhain, Before the Gate of Winter
    ※♁⨀ winter begins in the Northern hemisphere cross-quarter

    ≠🇺🇸🕑 Daylight savings time ends (current U.S. law) First Sunday in November - 2007. Except for Arizona, Hawaii, and the territories of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. The Navajo Reservation DOES change. A monumentally stupid idea that brings no net benefit. Starting.
    ☥▽ ❝What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.❞
    Napoleon HillBefore passing day.
    Lived 26Oct1883 to 08Nov1970 (86). Author, motivational speaker.
    ≠★ Fall of the Berlin Wall 09Nov1989
    ≠🇺🇸 U.S. Marine Corps Birthday 10Nov1775 - US Holiday
    ≠🇺🇸 Veterans Day 11Nov1954 - US Federal Holiday. This was Armistice Day from 1919 to 1953.
    🇺🇸 Election Day Every second Tuesday of November.
    ≠▽★ Occult Day 18Nov
    Some additional speculation here.
    ≠🇺🇸 Gettysburg Address 19Nov1863
    ≠✞ Feast of Christ the King (not currently observed) - Sunday prior to first Advent Sunday.
    ☉♐︎ Sun in Sagittarius 22Nov to 21Dec   ♐  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 240º to 270º. Symbol is the Archer or the Centaur representing discipline and harnessing power in aim to higher goals. Fire sign, mutable sign.
    ⊗ Firing of the Anvil
    23Nov - Wayland's Feast Day, St. Clement's Day.
    “Wayland the Smith was a god of smith and metalwork. Wayland also spelled Weland, in Scandinavian, German, and Anglo-Saxon legend, was a smith of outstanding skill. He was, according to some legends, a lord of the elves.”

    Anvil firing in the USA is the practice of firing an anvil into the air with gunpowder. In the UK this is where black powder is filled onto the top of the Anvil and ignited. If the Anvil did not shatter it was deemed safe to use.”
    ≠🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day
    Fourth Thursday in November - US Federal Holiday.
    First declared as a Federal Holiday by Abraham Lincoln in 1863.
    “Thanksgiving Day is a United States national holiday celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday of November. It encompasses both religious and secular aspects - being both a harvest festival and a festival of family. The origins of Thanksgiving Day are believed to lie in a first harvest celebration held in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621.”
    ☥▽ Lee Day
    Bruce Lee • Before birthday

    Lived 27Nov1940 to 20July1973 (32). Cultural icon. filmmaker, martial arts instructor, philosopher, and founder of Jeet Kune Do. Notable Chinese American when there were hardly any Asians positively portrayed in Western popular culture. The most influential martial artist of modern times.

    ≠✝︎ St. Andrew's Day 30Nov
    “Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, and St Andrew's Day (Scots: Saunt Andra's Day, Scottish Gaelic: Latha Naomh Anndra) is Scotland's official national day. In 2006, the Scottish Parliament designated St Andrew's Day as an official bank holiday.”
    ☥▽ Mark Twain Day
    Samuel ClemensBefore birthday

    Lived 30Nov1835 to 21Apr1910 (74). 19th century American humorist, writer and lecturer. Creator of the American novel as an art form.


    The twelfth and final month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. The name comes from the Latin decem, it was originally the tenth month of the year. One of seven months with thirty-one days. In my personal calendar, the winter solstice and the middle of winter. Birthstone is zircon.
    ≠✝︎✞ Advent Variable, runs from around first of December to Christmas Eve.
    ≠✝︎✞ Advent Sunday Around the first of December - “Sunday closest to St Andrew's Day begins the Advent season and the beginning of the ecclesiastical year.”
    ☥ Fifth Freedom Day
    Walt DisneyBefore birthday
    Lived 05Dec1901 to 15Dec1966 (65). Storyteller, filmmaker, theme park creator.

    “In the former ‘The Walt Disney Story Featuring Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln’ at Disneyland there was a large mural called Fifth Freedom. It celebrated men who like Walt Disney had risen to greatness through free enterprise, the fifth Freedom.”

    ➜🇺🇸 Pearl Harbor attacked 07December1941
    ≠✞ Immaculate Conception 08Dec - “Honors the unique privilege by which Mary was conceived by her mother without the stain of original sin.”
    ❝Unity in things Necessary, Liberty in things Unnecessary, and Charity in all.❞
    Richard Baxter passing day
    Lived 12Nov1615 to 08Dec1691 (76). English Puritan church leader, called by Dean Stanley "the chief of English Protestant Schoolmen.”
    ☞🇺🇸 Bill of Rights Day 15Dec1791 - US Holiday.
    Ratification of the first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution.
    ❝We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things…❞
    Walt DisneyBefore passing day
    Lived 05Dec1901 to 15Dec1966 (65). Storyteller, filmmaker, theme park creator.
    ☞🇺🇸 Boston Tea Party 16Dec1773
    🔷 Wayfaring Day - Saturday, December 16, 1950
    My mother's family arrived in Arizona from Louisiana.
    ≠✰ Saturnalia 17Dec to 23Dec
    ⚛ Nuclear fission of heavy elements discovered 17Dec1938
    Otto Hahn & Fritz Strassmann. Science coolness.
    ☥ Wallace Day
    Bill ThompsonBefore birthday

    Lived 18Dec1931 to 23Jul2014 (83). Television writer and host, best known as Wallace from The Wallace & Ladmo Show. The show ran for 35 years. My Before of Deeds for 2015.


    WebTree solar festival & quarter day marking the winter solstice and the middle of winter in the Northern hemisphere. A time of blood, contrasts and promises that celebrates the height of winter's power and the Wheel turning towards spring and eventually summer. Starwell lasts from sunrise on the day before the solstice to sunrise the day after (traditional three days).

    The Nightlord reaches his greatest strength and pays with the Wound while his weird the Daylord is reborn.
    ☼⨀♁ winter solstice
    The MIDDLE of winter in the Northern hemisphere, not the beginning.


    Winter solstice. Traditional neopagan sabbat. Quarter day, Lesser Sabbat, Low Holiday, & solar festival. The longest night and the sun's weakest strength. Yule supposedly marks the winter solstice and the middle of winter in the Northern hemisphere, but that is not always observed. Birth of the Child of Light. A Christian celebration of the light dawning in Jesus. A Norse pagan celebration of the winter-born king symbolized by the rebirth of the sun.
    ☉♑︎ Sun in Capricorn 22Dec to 19Jan   ♑  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 270º to 300º. Symbol is the Goat or the Chimera representing the manifestation of one realm in another. Earth sign, cardinal sign, initiates.
    ⚛ first known working transistor 23Dec1947
    John Bardeen & Walter Brattain. Science coolness.
    ≠✝︎✞ Christmas Day 25Dec
    Commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.
    ≠✝︎✞ Twelvetide - Christmastide 25Dec to 05Jan
    “Christmastide ("Christmas time"), more commonly called The Twelve Days of Christmas and sometimes referred to as Twelvetide ("Twelve time"), is the festive Christmas season celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It starts on Christmas Day, December 25, considered the "First Day of Christmas", and ends on January 5 of the following year, on Epiphany Eve (also known as Twelfth Night).”
    ≠🇬🇧 Boxing Day 26Dec - Traditional UK.
    “Boxing Day is traditionally a day following Christmas when wealthy people in the United Kingdom would give a box containing a gift to their servants. Today, Boxing Day is better known as a bank or public holiday that occurs on December 26, or the first or second weekday after Christmas Day, depending on national or regional laws. It is observed in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and some other Commonwealth nations.”
    ≠✞ St. Stephen's Day 26Dec - Commemorates St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr or protomartyr.
    ≠⊗ Lá an Dreoilín or Hunting the Wren
    26Dec - A precursor to St. Stephen's Day.
    “The tradition consists of "hunting" a fake wren, and putting it on top of a decorated pole. Then the crowds of mummers or strawboys celebrate the Wren by dressing up in masks, straw suits and colourful motley clothing and, accompanied by traditional céilí music bands, parade through the towns and villages.”
    ≠✞ Holy Innocents Day - Childermas - Cross Day 28Dec
    By orders of King Herod, the children of Bethlehem were massacred in an attempt to kill the baby Jesus. The Irish call this Cross Day and believe that anything begun on this day will turn out badly. In Belgium, Mexico, and Columbia children play April Fools type pranks on this day.
    ☥✰ Denver Day
    John Denver • Before birthday

    Henry John Deutschendorf Jr. lived 31Dec1943 to 12Oct1997 (53). American country music/folk singer-songwriter and folk rock musician, activist. One of the most pagan-like non-pagans ever. My Before of Spirit in October 2008.


    The first month in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Named after the two-faced Roman god Janus of the crossroads. One of seven months with thirty-one days. In my personal calendar, the last full month before the solar new year. Birthstone is garnet.
    ≠🇺🇸 New Year’s Day 01Jan
    ≠✞ Circumcision of Christ 01Jan
    Advent of Isis 02Jan - Thelema
    ☥▽ Asimov Day
    Isaac Asimov • Before birthday

    Lived 02Jan1920 to 06Apr1992 (72). Author, scientist, humanist. My Before of Thought for October 2008. I know of no other modern author who wrote on so many subjects. I know of no other author who drove me nuts as I tried to read every book he wrote. The Good Doctor inspired me in ways I do not understand, but I will be forever grateful.

    ☥✰ Valiente Day

    Lived 04Jan1922 to 01Sep1999 (77). Witch, ritualist, author. Author of An ABC of Witchcraft: Past and Present, my first book on practical witchcraft.

    ≠✝︎ Twelfth Night/Epiphany Eve 05Jan
    ≠✝︎ Epiphany - Old Christmas - Feast of the Three Kings - Twelfth Tide 06Jan
    ≠☦︎ Synaxis of John the Baptist 07Jan
    ☥▽ ❝I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions.❞
    R.A. WilsonBefore passing day
    Lived 18Jan1932 to 11Jan2007 (74). Author, essayist, philosopher, psychologist, futurologist, anarchist, troublemaker.
    ≠✞ St. Hilary Feast Day 13Jan
    ≠✞ St. Felix of Nola Feast Day 14Jan
    ≠ MLK Day (actual) Martin Luther King Jr. birthday. Lived 15Jan1929 to 04Apr1968 (39) - True Believer Rant
    ≠🇺🇸 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (official) US Federal Holiday (1986) - third Monday in January
    True Believer Rant
    ≠✝︎ Old Twelfth Night 17Jan
    ≠✞ St. Anthony Feast Day 17Jan
    ☥▽ Franklin Day
    Benjamin Franklin • Before birthday

    Lived 17Jan1706 to 17Apr1790 (84). Polymath, printer, journalist, publisher, author, philanthropist, abolitionist, public servant, scientist, librarian, diplomat, and inventor.

    ☥▽ R.A.W. Day
    R.A. WilsonBefore birthday

    Lived 18Jan1932 to 11Jan2007 (74). Author, essayist, philosopher, psychologist, futurologist, anarchist, troublemaker.

    ☉♒︎ Sun in Aquarius 20Jan to 18Feb   ♒  ︎
    Celestial longitude is 300º to 330º. Symbol is the Waterbearer carrying hard-won wisdom with the sorrows and joys of experience. No representation, just action. Air sign, mutable sign.
    ☥ Burns Day
    George Burns • Before birthday

    Born Nathan Birnbaum. Lived 20Jan1896 to 09Mar1996 (100). Comedian, actor, singer, writer, producer.

    ≠★ Arbor Day ( Louisiana observance) Third Friday in January - state tree is state tree is bald cypress.
    ≠ World Religion Day Third Sunday in January. Baha'i sponsored day dedicated to the unity and oneness of all world religions.
    ❝Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.❞
    Sir Winston Churchill passing day
    Lived 30Nov1874 to 24Jan1965 (91). Prime Minister, British stateman, author, orator, strategist, and politician.
    ⚛ Audion (first triode) patented 29Jan1907
    Lee de Forest. Science coolness.
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